BOS Staffing Insights
How to Build a Better Relationship with Your Temporary Employees
With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and various other economical factors, the number of temporary employed workers is at an all time high.
Obamacare Will Be The Top Employer Issue in 2014
The uncertainty surrounding The Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) will create unmeasurable stress and confusion for employers in 2014. The employer mandate was delayed to
Skill Testing for Employment – What the Scores Really Mean
Will that promising candidate be a productive employee? What training does a promising candidate or current employee need to become a truly valuable asset –
Kick Off 2014 with a Success
The past few weeks have been hectic trying to wrap up your work for 2013. You’ve been reviewing key objectives and evaluating your company’s performance
Georgia Businesses Will Benefit from Older Workers
The Baby Boomer generation has started retiring and older workers are becoming increasingly important to our economy, both locally and nationally. Employers should begin thinking
Writing a Professional Cover Letter that Gives You Leverage Amongst Competitors
When applying for a new job, many applicants spend hours perfecting their resume, and spend much less time on their cover letter. However, writing a