If you are surprised to find yourself almost midway through 2016, you’re not alone. After the hustle and bustle of the first quarter of the calendar year, the summer months do tend to sneak up on people. If you are concerned about whether you are on track to meet your career goals for 2016, or worse have yet to set any, today’s blog will help get you back on track. Today we’re talking about what types of goals and expectations you can expect to deliver on before the holiday season.
Further Your Education
The job market is an ever-moving target. Technology and process improvements are constantly reshaping the landscape for workers across market segments and industries. A manageable goal for all employees is to do something concrete to further your education or training every year. This helps to ensure your relevance in your field and helps to keep pace with competitors.
Furthering your education doesn’t necessarily mean going back to school for a full degree. Such a commitment takes a substantial amount of invested time and money, which may not always be practical. But luckily, there are a growing number of highly valuable certificates, training programs, and workshops that will benefit your career as well. Consider what works best for your situation and make the effort to learn something new every year.
Grow Your Professional Network
Interestingly enough, professional networking is as important while you are employed as it is while you are looking for work. In fact, it is substantially easier and more effective to make those essential connections when you also have value to add to the relationship. Go beyond simply keeping your LinkedIn profile and resume up to date. Attend networking events within your industry or area of interest. Reach out to colleagues and clients to build lasting professional relationships and provide the foundation for effective networking when you need it most.
Boost Your Performance
Performance goals are also something manageable which your career will certainly benefit from achieving. First, evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses to pinpoint the most important areas of improvement. If your organizational skills are lacking, now is a great time to tackle that important skill set. If you think you would benefit from more effective time management skills, there is your area of focus. Once you identify the areas in which you want to improve, set actionable and quantifiable steps to move you along the path to better performance. Not only will your managers recognize professional growth in their employees who show they are committed to their own careers, but they also take note of whose progress may also result in advances in leadership and management skills.
Are you looking for additional opportunities to advance your career?
If so, consider reaching out to our team of recruiters and career consultants. BOS Staffing has the experience and support you need to meet your year-end goals.