Why it’s Okay to Say “No” to Employees at Work

As a manager, there will come a time when you have to be frank with an employee and reject a request. In fact, it’s highly likely you’ll need to say no on a near regular basis. From asking and rejecting new ideas, to having to turn down a request for vacation time or a raise, having to say no is just a part of the job. But it doesn’t have to be painful. Here are a few tips to say no to your employees without hurting morale.

Turn Rejection into Feedback

Rejection can be hard to hear, especially if it is not provided in a constructive manner. As a manager, it’s important to be sensitive to the emotions of your employees, but don’t be afraid to give bad news for the sake of someone’s ego. A lot of the issue comes down to how you word your statements. Instead of flatly saying no or rejecting an idea with any kind of sarcasm or ire, you want to be sure you are communicating the right message, one that says “no to your idea, but yes to you”.

Often, having to say no will often provide an opportunity to communicate some valuable feedback. Take some extra time to provide constructive criticism or make some suggestions for how an employee can improve in the future. A no turned into a learning opportunity will be much better received than an unsupported rejection.

Fostering Understanding

When you have to say no to an employee, it can be helpful to explain your thinking behind the rejection. If you turn someone down without cause it can seem off hand and thoughtless. You might not have control over what requests or ideas you say no to, but you do have control over how you communicate the news. By explaining your thinking, the reasons behind the decision, and providing a way forward that benefits both yourself and your employee can help build a relationship even after a rejected request. You want to make sure your staff knows that you want to work with them, not against them, and the best way to do this is through fostering employee understanding of the situation.

Control Negativity

Of course, some employees may take your negative response to a request or idea harder than others. Resentment can build and spread throughout a team when too many rejections are handed out freely. Be very aware of how you, as a manager, respond to your team’s ideas and requests. If you notice morale is dropping, the best strategy is to address it head on. Taking control of the situation by confronting toxic behavior, providing opportunity for reform, and ensuring your team is able to work in a positive environment.

About BOS Staffing

With more than 100 years combined experience providing temporary, temp-to-hire and permanent staff. We serve the legal, medical, call center, accounting, IT, technical, distribution and light industrial industries, BOS Staffing is a leading staffing firm serving the Gainesville, GA area.

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