How Adding Comments Makes Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

While having an up to date and complete LinkedIn profile is definitely a start when you are on the job hunt, there are literally thousands and thousands complete and appealing profiles out there. No matter how interesting your profile is until a recruiter or hiring manager actually sees your profile, it is just a small fish in the big LinkedIn pond. Therefore, you need to make sure that your profile stands out and gets seen by the right people.

The good news is that you can make it stand out and increase your profile´s visibility by just dedicating a few minutes each day. Think about it, the number of views your profile gets will impact whether recruiters and hiring managers also stumble on your profile. Hence, if you want to increase the chances of your profile being seen by those people you need to make sure it gets more views. So, what do you need to do in those few minutes a day to achieve that? By commenting on posts on the network.

By commenting you can easily increase the traffic to your own LinkedIn profile and below you can find our tips for smart commenting which will quickly help you to increase profile views if you dedicate just 5 or 10 minutes a day.

First of all, what types of posts should you comment on?

There are a lot of posts on LinkedIn so there is plenty of opportunity for commenting. However, you need to look for those posts that are a mix of what you are interested in and that has the audience you are trying to reach. Here are 4 questions you can use to consider whether the post is worth commenting on:

  1. Is this something you would share with your network?

If it is a post you are not interested in yourself, don´t understand or you don´t feel compelled to share, just don´t bother. Only comment on posts you find interesting and relevant to share.

  1. Is it relevant for your industry?

With all the different categories of posts available on LinkedIn, you will want to find something that is specific for your industry or career interests.

  1. Does it have a high comment-count?

Posts that already have quite some comments are already popular and therefore get more views. If you comment on these posts, it is more likely that your comment will be read by more people and thus you will be able to connect with the other commenters and gain traffic to your profile.

  1. Does the author have various and current posts?

Don´t waste your time commenting on posts from months ago or from authors that have only written something one. Make sure the posts are current and from authors that are active on the network.


Now you know which posts to comment on, what do you actually write?

Unfortunately, many people think that a comment is a comment and therefore comments like “Great read!” or “Thanks for sharing your thoughts” are very common. However, these will not give you the desired result of your 10 minutes commenting a day! Make sure you always make thoughtful and relevant comments, it can be feedback on the article, your thoughts on the points mentioned in the post, or a genuine question to understand something better. You can also keep the conversation going by commenting on other commenters, you don´t have to read all the comments but just see a few. You can mention the commenter so that they get notified which is a great way to draw their attention. This concept also applies to the author of the post, when you comment always mention or reference the author´s name.

That´s it, by commenting a few minutes each day or a few times a week, you will significantly increase the visibility of your LinkedIn profile and thereby your chances to stand out to hiring managers and recruiters.

What other commenting tips do you have for LinkedIn? We would love to read about in the comments section!

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