Is Your Workstation the Reason You Can’t Get Anything Done?

Do you find yourself having difficulty getting as much work done as you would like? Your workstation might be the problem. There are all kinds of ways a poorly organized work space can sabotage your workflow. But keep in mind that whether you are working from a corner office or a shared workspace, there are things you can do to build a more productive work station. This post will discuss the importance of creating a work space that works well for you to be truly productive.

Stay on Task

If you have a tendency to get distracted and clutter your work space with non-work tasks or items, you could be setting yourself up for more difficulty than is necessary. A good tip is to keep your workspace reserved for work. For example, if you have a home office don’t let it become the mail sort zone or general purpose storage area. Keep your work station for work and you will be better able to stay on task while you are there.

Give and Keep Everything in its Place

You know your work tools better than anyone else, so feel free to customize this list to better meet your needs. But the point holds true no matter what you do. Make sure that each of your tools or supplies has a place and that they are returned to that place after each use. Keeping your workspace organized and efficient will help you to be quicker in completing your tasks and substantially reduce the amount of time you waste on looking for your pen or notebook. Desk organizers can be helpful, but feel free to be creative in how you store your things. Files (both digital and hard copy) should be organized and easy to access. It’s important to have everything you need to use on a regular basis within easy reach of your seat, but make sure to balance that need with a goal of avoiding clutter. A clean work station helps keep your thoughts and actions in line as well.


A properly set up work station can also require a little extra thought to how you are positioned within the space. If you are working with poor posture or from an uncomfortable chair you can find yourself in total misery before you even know what the problem is. Remember that you spend a large portion of your work day at your work station. Make sure that your work station is set up properly to support long hours of productivity. Give yourself enough room to work with a proper posture and make sure you are able to reach your tools and supplies easily.

Personalization and Inspiration

While you don’t want to clutter up your work space with too many personal items, it’s nice to have at least one item that makes you smile. Inspirational or relaxing images, quotes, and photographs of loved ones can help to create a welcoming atmosphere and you feel comforted and energized in.

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