Don’t Look Desperate! Avoid Branding Yourself As a Desperate Job Seeker

Acting desperate isn’t a good quality in your relationships, and it isn’t attractive to hiring managers.  If you’re seriously in need of a job and you allow potential employers to see it, you’re only ruining your chances of landing the job.  Employers want to hire employees that are confident and in high-demand.  Being too eager and needy will only backfire.  Here are a few tips to help you be enthusiastic about your job search without seeming desperate.

Recognize that employers don’t care about your situation.

You may be in a desperate situation with family to take care of and bills to pay, but let me share a little secret: employers don’t care.  That may seem harsh, but they’re looking to hire an employee that’s the best fit for the company, not the employee that needs the job most.  Employers don’t take anyone’s circumstances into consideration.  They need to hire the employee that can perform the best for the company and ensure long-term success.  Companies can’t afford to make a bad hiring decision based solely on personal feelings.

Be brief.

If you can answer an interview question in two to three sentences, don’t use ten just to make yourself seem more impressive.  If you can answer an email in one paragraph, there’s no reason to write an essay.  You need to understand that even though you’re trying to convince employers to hire you, they’re busy people and welcome succinct communication.  Saying too much often dilutes the impact of the message you were trying to get across and gives the impression that you’re trying too hard.

When you’re anxious or insecure it often brings out a nervous energy that you try to cope with by talking.  Instead of talking to just fill the silence, give your answer and then close the conversation.  The ability to do this demonstrates that you’re respectful of the other person’s time and makes you appear less needy.

Be flexible, but not too flexible.

Even though you may really need a job, you shouldn’t send the message across that you’re willing to take any job.  People won’t be inspired to hire you if you have no purpose or focus in the direction of your career.  Yes, you should be humble and open minded about finding roles in a challenging job market, but avoid using language like “I’ll do anything” and “Beggars can’t be choosers”.  In a market full of choice, hiring managers are looking for people who are confident of their abilities and in high demand.  Act like you’re ready for the job not because it’s available, but because it’s the right fit.  Prove to the company that they would be lucky to have you, not that you’d be lucky to have them.

Follow up persistently, not aggressively.

80 percent of your job search success comes down to your ability to follow up.  The general rule is to be persistent, but do so politely.  Be persistent in following up on leads, replying to ads, and sending resumes.  But be polite in the way you follow up on these.  Establish follow up timelines at the end of any communication or interview, so that you know the best way and most appropriate time to follow up.

Many employers complain that candidates aren’t considerate of the back-end processes of hiring, and will e-mail or call after one or two days.  This behavior doesn’t show that you’re determined and eager, but rather annoying and distracting.  According to some recruiters, being pushy is the number one sign of a desperate job candidate, and they’ll often eliminate applicants that do this, even if they liked them initially.

If you aren’t having the best luck in your job search, let the experienced team at BOS Staffing help.

At BOS staffing, we go out of our way to match our candidates with jobs that really suit them. Contact us today for career guidance, in-depth interview preparation and access to multiple job opportunities at the best companies.

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