Career success is determined by many factors, from your skill set, to knowledge, to how you interact professionally. A mentor is someone who has more experience, a greater skill set, and the willingness to impart their knowledge on you in order to help you succeed. The importance of having a mentor is immeasurable when it comes to the benefits you can gain from a great mentor/mentee relationship. Here are just a few of the reasons having a mentor can help ensure long-term success.
They’ll teach you important lessons.
A mentor will teach you many lessons that will apply not only to your current job, but to future jobs as well. The majority of great industry leaders trained under mentors and learned their craft from someone else. Therefore, you should look for a mentor that has experience in the field you’re trying to learn. A good mentor will show you the ropes and provide wisdom about workplace issues and career challenges.
Give you sound advice when you have a big decision to make.
There are times in your career when you feel like you can’t solve a problem or need help making a decision. A mentor is someone not too close to the source that will be able to give you an unbiased opinion. They’ll help you weigh the pros and cons of the outcomes and be a sounding board for your reasoning. They can help you navigate the situation by giving you advice based on their own past experiences in similar situations.
Serve as an accountability partner.
A mentor will help you solidify your career plan by talking through your goals out loud. They’ll check in with you to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps towards meeting those goals. You’re more prone to follow through with your goals when you have someone there to hold you accountable.
Share their connections.
In addition to getting advice and insight from your mentor’s experience, you’ll also benefit from their established professional network. These connections could be beneficial in the future when looking for a job lead or potential business partner. If your mentor can’t help you on a problem you’re experiencing, they’ll be able to put you in touch with someone else they know who can.
Give your career an updraft.
A good mentor is a leader in their organization, and it’s highly likely that they’ll be promoted or recruited to another company. Their mentee is the first person they’ll think of when recommending someone to fill the position they’re leaving or recruiting someone to their new company. In both cases, having a mentor means advancement for your career.
A mentor lasts beyond your current job and grows into a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties. A great mentor will help you stay on the fast track and excel in your career.
The experienced team of recruiters at BOS Staffing wants to be as invested in your career as you mentor. Visit our blog regularly for career advice and reach out to us with any job search questions you may have. If you’re looking to make you next career move, contact us today. At BOS staffing, we go out of our way to match our candidates with jobs that really suit them.