Kick Off 2014 with a Success

The past few weeks have been hectic trying to wrap up your work for 2013. You’ve been reviewing key objectives and evaluating your company’s performance over the last year.  Before you can even take a breath, January 1 will be here. Starting 2014 off on the right foot is essential for annual success.  In order to make this your best year yet, you need to motivate employees to world hard and begin working towards annual goals.

Here are a few tips to get 2014 started off with a bang.

Set Proactive Goals. 
First and foremost, as your sit down to plan your annual goals for 2014, remember that planning should not be an annual event where goals are only discussed once a year.  Instead, make planning a part of your daily and weekly routines.  Set your key objectives, then device a plan as to what new actions you must take in order to achieve those desired outcomes.  Setting action-oriented goals will ensure that you take the initiative needed to be successful.

Project-Plan Work.
Every project you work on will have inevitabilities that are beyond your control.  Therefore, it’s vital to make risk management a part of your goal-setting.  Establishing budget reserves and building a “plan b” and “plan c” scenarios, will help account for timeline delays due to changes in budget, schedule, or scope.  Having a contingency plan will reduce stress and increase confidence among your employees as well.

Break Down Barriers.
As the year draws to a close, identify the obstacles your company faced over the past year.  Whether it be poor processes, irrelevant goals, or inadequate staffing, come up with solutions to eliminate those barriers.  Hold brainstorming sessions with current employees and get their feedback as to why things didn’t work.  Clean up and weed out inefficiencies.  Doing so will give everyone a new brush of confidence in the New Year.

Get Employees Fired Up.
The employees you hire ultimately determine that culture and success of your business. The best businesses have the most exciting culture and the best people.  It’s up to you to keep your employees motivated.  The best way to do this is to get them involved in making key business decisions.  When you give people a voice in determining key objectives it gives them a greater sense of value and increases their passion for their work.  Start 2014 off on the right foot by listening to your employee’s suggestions.

Be Transparent.
Above all else, maintain integrity and authenticity with employees.  Motivated employees value honesty and look up to leaders that are genuine and reliable.  Make sure you have an open door policy for communication and that all objectives are communicated clearly.  Whenever objectives do need to change, send out a memo to the appropriate parties and be sure to explain why.  Doing so will foster a culture where employees will be passionate about meeting goals and want to have a hand in the success of the organization.

Do you need to staff up for growing business opportunities in the New Year?  For more than 35 years BOS Staffing has helped clients throughout Northeast Georgia and nationwide hire smarter and manage their workforces more efficiently.  Contact BOS Staffing today, and we’ll provide you with the right talent to make 2014 a great success.

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